CRESTropical: A thematic network studying the environmental-epigenetic linkages shaping phenotypic responses in tropical ecosystems
Funded by the National Science Foundation (2021 - 2023) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Rules of Life: E5 - Predicting phenotypic and eco-evolutionary consequences of environmental-energetic-epigenetic linkages
Funded by the National Science Foundation (2019 - 2024) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Epigenetics as a new frontier to improve shark nursery conservation in Bimini (Bahamas)
Funded by the Save Our Seas Foundation (2018 - 2019) – PIs: Dr. Eirin-Lopez & Andria Beal, Florida International University.
Interaction between genotype and environmental modifications during coral responses to extreme climatic events
Funded by the National Science Foundation (2018 - 2019) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
FIU-UPR CREST Partnership Enhancement Supplemental Request
Funded by the National Science Foundation (2017 - 2018) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Characterization of epigenetic mechanisms in marine invertebrates.
Funded by the Ramon Areces Foundation (2016 - 2018) – PI: Dr. Rivera-Casas and Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Epigenetic characterization of flat tree oysters as environmental biomarkers in mangrove ecosystems from North Biscayne Bay, Miami FL.
Funded by the Broward Shell Club (2017) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology, Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment (CREST-CAChE).
Funded by the National Science Foundation (2015-2020) – Participating Faculty: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Pilot analysis of the next-generation epigenetic biomarkers of brevetoxin exposure during Florida red tides in Eastern Oyster.
Funded by the Biomolecular Sciences Institute, Florida International University (2015 – 2016) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Advance Mass Spectrometry Facility Rapid Access.
Florida International University (2015) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, Florida International University.
Histone H2A.X and H2A.Z variants of bivalve molluscs: chromatin structure, evolution and applications in genotoxicity tests.
Funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (2011 – 2014) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Consolidation of the Galician Bioinformatics network.
Funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (2011) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Chromatin specialization in bivalve molluscs: evolutionary implications and potential applications.
Funded by the Xunta de Galicia, Spain (2010 – 2014) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
NanoLINEN – nanotoxicology link between india and eurpean nations.
Funded by the European Research Council (2010 – 2012) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Study of the evolution of metazoan animals through the analysis of chromatin dynamics and histone code.
Funded by the Spanish Government – MICINN, Spain (2010 – 2012) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Study of the genotoxic effects of the marine biotoxin okadaic acid on mussel aquaculture industry.
Funded by the Spanish Government – MICINN, Spain (2008 – 2011) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Development of cytogenetic and molecular markers in the clam Ruditapes decussatus under environmental stress.
Funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (2007 – 2010) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Identification of DNA markers in the clam Venerupis pullastra and application for genetic variability analysis and population structure.
Funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (2007 – 2010) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez. The University of A Coruña, Spain.
Molecular and evolutionary characterization of core and linker histone variants: mechanisms involved in altered chromatin conformations arising from pathological states - CHROMEVOL.
Funded by a Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship (OIF – 021900) Research Project. Funded by the EU (European Union) within the 6th Framework Program (2005 – 2008) – PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, The University of A Coruña, Spain – University of Victoria, Canada.
Structure and chromosomal location of different genomic regions in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.
Funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (2001-2004) – co-PI: Dr. Eirin-Lopez, The University of A Coruña, Spain.
2017 2018 - FIU Tropics Fellowship, College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Florida International University
Javier Rodriguez-Casariego (Graduate Student)
2017 2018 - FIU Tropics Fellowship, College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Florida International University
Andria Beal (Graduate Student)
2017 - Teaching Excellence Award, College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Florida International University
Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (PI)
2017 - Worlds Ahead Graduate Student Award, Florida International University
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2017 - Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Florida International University
Michelot Michel (Undergraduate Student)
2017 - Best Honors Thesis Presentation Award, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University
Michelot Michel (Undergraduate Student)
2017 - Honors Award, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University
Michelot Michel (Undergraduate Student)
2017 - McNair Fellowship, McNair Scholars Program
Eliani Pena (Undergraduate Student)
2017 - First Paper Published, Marine Educational and Research Initiative, Florida International University (MERI-FIU)
Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (PI)
2016 - 2018 - Postdoctoral Research Award, Ramon Areces Foundation
Ciro Rivera-Casas (Postdoctoral Researcher)
2016 - 2020 - Research Assistantship, Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology, Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment (CREST-CAChE)
Javier Rodriguez-Casariego (Graduate Student)
2016 - 2020 - Teaching Assistantship, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University
Andria Beal (Graduate Student)
2016 - Doctoral Dissertation Award, The University of A Couna (Spain)
Ciro Rivera-Casas (Graduate Student)
2016 - Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Marine Educational and Research Initiative, Institute of Water and Environment, Florida International University (MERI-InWE-FIU)
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2016 - Dissertation Year Fellowship, University Graduate School, Florida International University (UGS-FIU)
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2016 - Travel Award, Graduate Student Association, Florida International University (GSA-FIU)
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2016 - Travel Award, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2016 - Service Award, Marine Sciences Program, Florida International University
Gabriel Diaz (Undergraduate Student)
2016 - McNair Fellowship, McNair Scholars Program
Gabriel Diaz (Undergraduate Student)
2015 - Travel Award, Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE-NESCent)
Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (PI)
2014 - I3 Research Excellence Award, Government of Spain
Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (PI)
2013 - 2017 - Teaching Assistantship, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University
Victoria Suarez-Ulloa (Graduate Student)
2011 - Best Young Researcher Award, Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology (SESBE)
Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez (PI)
2011 - Doctoral Dissertation Award, The University of A Coruña (Spain)
Rodrigo Gonzalez-Romero (Graduate Student)